Spring Schedule

Grass Roots Coaching Clinics 9v9 and 11v11 set up for June 26
4.21.21- Grass Roots Coaching Clinics 9v9 and 11v11 set up for June 26. These will cap at 24 candidates. Please thoroughly review the information in each link below .
9v9 – https://learning.ussoccer.com/coach/courses/available/20/details/8217
11v11 – https://learning.ussoccer.com/coach/courses/available/19/details/8219
Spring Cup information
STX Youth Soccer Member Associations:
We hope all our South Texas members are doing well and had a great start to the New Year! We are looking forward to our 2021 Spring Cups, which are quickly approaching. Included in this email are a variety of resources for review in preparation for the 2021 South Texas Spring Cups.
All Spring Cup information can also be found on our website: https://www.stxsoccer.org/competitions; each specific cup has its own event page – select the red “Learn More” button under the specific STX Spring Cup to enter the page where specific cup information will be kept up to date with event information – ranging from rules to event contact info.
As we have all been affected this seasonal year by COVID-19, please see below in reference to what teams are eligible to apply/register for STX Youth Soccer Spring Cups:
- USYS/STX Youth Soccer Registered Teams who participated in a STX sanctioned fall league are eligible to participate in accordance with their registration age group and league results, if available.
- USYS/STX Youth Soccer Registered Teams who were unable to participate in a STX sanctioned fall league or opted out of competition in the fall due to COVID-19 concerns will have their Spring Cup eligibility determined by the STX Competitions Committee.
We encourage all teams to review the qualification information, event locations, and assess their comfort level with competing in the event before submitting their application. South Texas Youth Soccer events will follow our published COVID-19 Resource Handbook, as well as any local city/county and State of Texas guidelines when hosting cup events this spring.
Spring Cup Resources:
- Spring Cup Timeline & Deadlines
- Spring Cup Participation Guide
- Registration, Payment, & Refund Policy
- Club Pass Player Use Guide (coming soon; information available in Competitions Manual, page 22)
- 2020-21 South Texas Youth Soccer Competitions Manual
- STX Youth Soccer COIVD-19 Resource Handbook – ENGLISH | SPANISH
Spring Cup Registration Opens on Monday, February 1, 2021. Links will be open beginning on February 1, 2021 for teams to register for 2021 Spring Cups. If you have questions regarding which competition is appropriate for your team or club, please contact the STX Competitions Staff prior to registering for a cup competition.
Cup Team Application Form & Registration Links (to be activated on 2/1/2021)
- South Texas Cup – https://www.gotsport.com/forms/app/?eventid=82714
- South Texas Directors Cup – https://www.gotsport.com/forms/app/?eventid=82711
- South Texas Presidents Cup – https://www.gotsport.com/forms/app/?eventid=82710
- South Texas NCS State Cup – https://www.gotsport.com/forms/app/?eventid=82707
- Challenge Bracket – NCS State Cup – https://www.gotsport.com/forms/app/?eventid=82717
South Texas 2021 Spring Cup Schedule
Dynamo | Dash League – Spring 2021 Updates

DDL Teams, We have a few updates regarding the Spring 2021 Dynamo | Dash League season.
- An updated calendar with important Spring 2021 dates has been uploaded to the DDL
- All currently registered Fall 2020 teams are pre-qualified for the Spring 2021 season. Participating in the Dynamo/Dash League is a seasonal year commitment, teams withdrawing or dropping from the league are subject to fines and/or sanctions by the league or STX
- We will rebracket teams in the 11U, 12U, and 13U age groups to reflect Fall 2020 performance in an effort to create an enjoyable and developmentally appropriate environment for each
- We have included an Opt-Out Deadline (Jan 8, 2021) for teams registered in DDL Spring 2021. This is the last date for a registered team to decide to Opt-Out of the Spring 2021 Season due to possible health-related concerns and still retain a league place in DDL 2021-2022.
- We are accepting RFCs for teams looking to play in DDL Spring 2021 but only if:
- Your team participated in the DDL 2019-2020 Season and was prequalified for DDL 2020-2021 but opted not to play due to COVID-19 health
- Your team is newly formed and did not participate in any other league or fall competition
- You are a currently enrolled D2L or DDL team seeking a bracket change within the DDL
- Pre-qualified teams who opted-out of DDL Fall 2020 and who also choose to opt out of DDL Spring 2021 will still retain their league placement in the DDL 2021-2022 Season. More information will be released in the next few weeks.
- This year, we will be hosting a preseason DDL Coaches’ Event. More information will be released in the next few weeks.
- Our anticipated schedule release window is January 11-15, 2021. We will be using a new procedure for reschedule requests this season, more information will be released in the next few
- The payment deadline for DDL Spring Season is on January 25, 2021. Please review the DDL Payment Policy in conjunction with your game numbers based on group size to determine final payment
As a reminder: COVID-19 Reporting Procedures were implemented and effective for STX Youth Soccer teams on July 31st. Any suspected cases need to be properly communicated within your teams and opponents (formal or informal) as outlined in the STX Youth Soccer COVID-19 Handbook. Any lab-tested positive cases need to be immediately communicated to your team, club/association, and league administrator. Please remember confidentiality when reporting and notifying.
As with everything right now, the Dynamo | Dash League is subject to change at any point in the season. We appreciate your patience and understanding. We are looking forward to safely returning to play next Spring. Have a great winter break!
Thank you,
Adam Faris
13U-19/20U Age Group Coordinator
STX Soccer Assistant Director of Competitions adamf@stxsoccer.org
Michael Marzella
11U-12U Age Group Coordinator
STX Soccer Competitions Coordinator michaelm@stxsoccer.org


Hurricane Delta Field Closures and Games Cancelled for Saturday October 10th
BT, OC and GC fields are closed. If you were scheduled to play there, then your game is cancelled. These clubs are posting status to FB.
HC and SB will re-evaluate in the morning and if closing, will post to FB.
The Lake Charles games cancelled when they evacuated.
Please say a prayer for our soccer family in Orange who is now being hit by part of the hurricane eye wall which expanded.

2020 SpindleTop Youth Soccer Association Fall Schedule
The Schedule for the Fall Soccer Season is now available to view online please click below!
Click Here to View The 2020 SpindleTop Youth Soccer Association Fall Season Schedule