Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


There will be a new Referee Clinic on September 22, 2019

Please Contact Kent Crow for details


2019 SpindleTop Youth Soccer Association Fall Season Game Schedule

2019  Fall Season Game Schedule Boys and Girls



Teams may request discretionary schedule changes to the final schedule, provided all of the following conditions have been met by no later than 7 days in advance of the original scheduled date: * the initiating team pays a $25 change fee to SYSA, * the host club confirms the availability of a suitable playing field, in writing, * the head coach of both teams and the appropriate Referee Assignor agree to the change, in writing, and * the SYSA Scheduler posts the change on the official schedule, in advance. SYSA Scheduler, Susan Reed

Club Summer Soccer Camps

Gulf Coast Micro Camps June 17th and July 9th, Challenger Camp June 24th – 27th

Hardin County Challenger Camp July 15th – 19th

Orange County Challenger Camp June 24th – 27th

Sea Breeze July 8th – 12th

Beaumont Challenger Camp June 10th – 14th


Upcoming Referee Class

There will be a new Referee class scheduled on March 2, 2019 hosted by Gulf Coast Soccer Club. Details to Follow.